Terms of service

Terms of use:

Content Rights and Responsibilities

By posting content to TechMarketUSA, you authorize us to publish and maintain it on our platform. In addition, TechMarketUSA (TMUSA) can enable advertising on your content because it uses an advertising service like Google AdSense. Sometimes we may use your unique piece to promote TMUSA organically or through paid media, including its products and content.

A user/author on TechMarketUSA will be responsible for the content they post. TMUSA is a user-generated content publishing platform and welcomes authors to post non-copyrighted content (any intellectual property like content, image, logo, etc.) useful/ informative for the world of readers. This means that the author will always be responsible for any legal issues or intellectual property copyright claims by the original content creator (content, image, logo, etc.). Any violation (if any) of these important policy guidelines may result in account termination and necessary actions.

TMUSA may remove any content you post for any reason.

Age limit

TechMarketUSA is for use by persons over the age of 18. By using TechMarketUSA, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. The account will be terminated if we find a dispute or misinformation.

Rules and Policies

By agreeing to our Terms of Service, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy to verify the information we collect and use it for the best user experience.

Under TechMarketUSA’s DMCA Policy, we will remove the material upon receipt of a valid takedown notice from the original creator or its dedicated staff. A user/author on TechMarketUSA must adhere to all such rules and policies. We may remove content or suspend or terminate your account if you don’t.